Episode 1 Rebels
S 1 E 1


Aired on Apr 25, 2010

! 5 days left to watch

Find out how seven generations of European settlers survived against all odds in the establishment of the original American colonies.

Episode 2 Westward
S 1 E 2


Aired on May 02, 2010

! 5 days left to watch

Trailblazing pioneers set out to conquer the west, but find the land already claimed. Wagon trains meet hardship on the road to California’s gold. The steamboat ushers in a new era of commerce and unprecedented wealth.

Episode 3 Revolution
S 1 E 3


Aired on Apr 25, 2010

! 5 days left to watch

The colonies declare independence, taking on the might of the British Empire. As Washington’s army nears defeat, new weapons and battle tactics turn the tide, forging a new nation through revolution.

Episode 4 Division
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Aired on May 02, 2010

! 5 days left to watch

Commerce and industry thrive across the new nation, now one of the wealthiest on Earth. The Erie Canal brings big risk and bigger reward. In the South, cotton is king, but slavery fuels a growing divide.

Episode 5 Civil War
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Civil War

Aired on May 09, 2010

! 5 days left to watch

The Civil War rages. The formidable Confederate army cannot match the Union’s mastery of technology; railroads, supply lines, and the telegram become new weapons in a modern war.

Episode 6 Heartland
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Aired on May 09, 2010

! 5 days left to watch

The Transcontinental Railroad unites the nation while settling farmers displace Native American civilizations. Cattle replace wild buffalo and the cowboy becomes a new American icon.

Episode 7 Cities
S 1 E 7


Aired on May 16, 2010

! 5 days left to watch

Americans conquer a new frontier in the modern city, with Carnegie’s empire of steel as its backbone. Skyscrapers and the Statue of Liberty are symbols of the American Dream for millions of immigrants.

Episode 8 Boom
S 1 E 8


Aired on May 23, 2010

! 5 days left to watch

America strikes oil and the boom time begins. Henry Ford brings the motorcar to the masses and massive engineering projects modernize the West.

Episode 9 Bust
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Aired on May 23, 2010

! 5 days left to watch

Boom turns to bust when the stock market crashes. The Great Depression and the dust bowl blanket the nation in darkness. Roosevelt’s New Deal signals recovery.

Episode 10 WWII
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Aired on May 23, 2010

! 5 days left to watch

The attack on Pearl Harbor brings America into World War II. The war effort revitalizes the nation’s economy. American innovation and manufacturing invigorates the Allies. The ultimate piece of technology ends the war.

Episode 11 Superpower
S 1 E 11


Aired on May 31, 2010

! 5 days left to watch

America becomes a global superpower; the economy and population boom. During the jet age and the space age, pioneers conquer new frontiers.

Episode 12 Millennium
S 1 E 12


Aired on Jul 04, 2010

! 5 days left to watch

The Cold War is the first test of a new global superpower. The tragedies of the Challenger explosion and 9/11 challenge the nation.

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