Etienne Timber

Wade Etienne has a knack for tearing apart machines and putting them back together bigger and better than ever. From his chainsaw to his feller-buncher that he nicknamed “Titus the Beast,” Wade has modified every piece of equipment he owns, creating a fleet of one-of-a-kind machines.

As a second-generation logger, it is his life purpose to carry on the family legacy started by his parents, Phil and Joann—aka Big Daddy and Big Momma—whose goal is to bring in enough timber to keep their Indiana mill running at full speed. It’s Big Momma who wears the pants in the Midwestern log yard, and whose approval Wade needs for all his fancy contraptions. But Big Momma doesn’t just sit at a desk making calls and pushing paperwork, she operates one of the company’s biggest and baddest machines, the processor—a giant wood cutting saw, also known as the “Super Kitty.”